What We Do

Evans manufactures a completed line of water-based and hot melt products for a vast variety of filter applications. Our products are engineered for use with a variety of assemblies including general furnace filters to high efficiency Hepa filters and metal oil filters.
Paper Board Filter Assembly – Our fast setting water-based adhesives were engineered for roll coater or spray applications. Our products are designed for easy cleanup in order to produce a quality filter with high-speed production lines for more operating efficiency.
Hepa Filter Assembly – Evans formulates the hot melt assembly products for high efficiency Hepa Filters. These products develop a superior bond to various types of metal and media.
Filter Bag Stitch Seam – We offer a line of fast setting hot melts that produce an excellent bond for bag stich seams. These high performance hot melts set fast for high-speed lines with excellent adhesion to all types of media.
Oil Filter Assembly – Our complete line of adhesives are custom formulated to every production line. These Products provide excellent adhesion to paper or metal for all types of oil performance filters.
Applications include: Paper board filter assembly, Hepa filter assembly, Filter bag stitch seam, Oil filter assembly.

Our water-based adhesive line of products includes excellent options for low- or high-speed production lines and either expandable or non-expandable. Products are easy to clean, and they develop a superior bond for durable honeycomb products. Evans produces core/expander, panel and facing products and employs a specially designed adhesive with a unique rheological profile to allow for the adhesive to stay on top of the flutes mitigating dripping and increasing production efficiency. Evans also provides a full line of hot melt and water-based PSAs for general honeycomb assembly. We provide adhesives for foam and plastic substrates to honeycomb structures.
Applications include: exhibit partitions, cabinetry dunnage, automotive, marine, acoustic panels, signage.

Evans manufactures a long line of high-quality cornerboard water-based products that include both Eva and dextrin’s. These products are custom formulated for your specific product line conditions, and they produce excellent bonds and superior product crush. Our PVA based products were engineered for high-speed applications, supporting both cascading or extrusion application systems. Our dextrin products are ideal for slower speed applications where corner board crush is a concern.

Tube Winding
Evans is a major supplier to the Tube Winding Market. We offer a complete line of dextrin and pva products that are custom formulated to your production line. Because tube winding is composed of recycled paper stocks, we understand that some substrates may be more difficult to adhere to. Our products deliver excellent bonds to these difficult surfaces while maintain quality and consistency. Our dextrin adhesives are ideal when core crush is a concern.

Evans supplies both hot melts and water-based products to the school binder market. Our water-based products exhibit excellent lay flat to difficult chip boards to vinyl while running on high-speed product lines. Our line of hot melts are used in a variety of applications including chipboard and difficult to bond paper products. Hot melts are also used in the packaging operations of school binder products.